What is the maximum number of exciters that can be used in a DML speaker?

There is no definitive maximum number of exciters that can be used in a DML speaker. However, here are some general guidelines:

  • 2-8 exciters is typical for most DIY DML speaker designs targeting home use[1][2][3]. This provides enough driving force while keeping complexity manageable.
  • The panel size and desired output capability determines how many exciters are needed. Larger panels over 3 ft on a side can potentially utilize 8+ exciters[2][3].
  • Too many tightly packed exciters can couple and cause phase issues. Proper spacing and location optimization is critical[1].
  • The panel itself ultimately limits maximum power handling regardless of exciter quantity. Excessive exciter force will overdrive the panel[2].
  • More exciters add cost, wiring complexity, amplifier requirements and interaction effects. Diminishing returns apply beyond 4-6 exciters[4][5].
  • For home use, focus first on properly implementing 1-4 quality exciters rather than simply adding more drivers[1][6].

In summary, resist the temptation to use excessive exciters. A properly designed panel with 2-4 high quality exciters will provide better results than cramming in as many drivers as possible. Follow manufacturer guidance and focus on optimal placement.

[1] https://youtube.com/watch?v=MHCpcbOnZZw&t=56
[2] https://www.diyaudio.com/community/threads/a-study-of-dmls-as-a-full-range-speaker.272576/page-254
[3] https://www.reddit.com/r/diyaudio/comments/zc0byr/any_dml_speaker_advice/
[4] https://www.reddit.com/r/diyaudio/comments/z8hmf9/so_im_planning_on_building_dml_speakers_with_two/
[5] https://www.daytonaudio.com/topic/excitersbuyerguide
[6] https://projectgallery.parts-express.com/speaker-projects/dml-flat-pannel/