How does the shape of the DML speaker affect its sound quality?

The shape of a DML speaker panel can significantly impact its sound quality and performance. Here are some key points on how shape affects DML speakers:

  • Rectangular panels with an aspect ratio around 1.6:1 (golden ratio) tend to have the smoothest frequency response. Square panels can have more peaks and nulls[1][2].
  • Rounded edges help minimize edge diffraction effects that can cause response peaks at high frequencies[3][4].
  • Curved or circular panel shapes distribute and smooth resonance modes more evenly compared to rectangles[4].
  • Trapezoidal, triangular, and other tapered shapes can help widen horizontal dispersion at high frequencies[2][5].
  • Vertical orientation causes more uneven horizontal dispersion due to narrowing width. Landscape orientation provides smoother coverage[5].
  • Irregular non-rectangular shapes can further break up repetitive resonance patterns, but make response less predictable[2].
  • Panel size in both dimensions affects the frequency range and limits bass extension without a subwoofer[1][3].
  • Panels segmented into smaller sections allow tailoring the shape and response of different frequency bands[4].

In summary, rectangular panels with rounded edges, golden ratio dimensions, and landscape orientation tend to provide the smoothest and most well-behaved frequency response. But shape can be used creatively to manipulate a DML speaker’s sound radiation.
