How does the size of the DML speaker affect its sound quality?

Here are a few key points on how panel size affects the sound quality of DML (distributed mode loudspeaker) speakers:

  • Larger panels can reproduce lower frequencies, down to around 100Hz before needing a subwoofer. Smaller panels have more limited bass extension[1][2].
  • With larger panels, the distribution of vibration modes is increased, resulting in a smoother frequency response. Smaller panels can have more peaks and nulls in response[2][3].
  • The low frequency roll-off is dependent on panel size. Doubling the area provides about an octave lower extension. Bigger equals better bass[1][4].
  • Efficiency is also related to size, with larger panels capable of greater output. Small panels need more amplifier power for the same output level[2].
  • Directivity and dispersion pattern is affected by size. Larger panels act more like a line array with more consistent coverage across a wider listening area[3].
  • The open, spacious soundstage produced by DML panels is more pronounced with larger sizes. Small panels sound more directional[4].
  • Edge diffraction and beaming effects are reduced with larger panels. Small panels suffer more from these issues[3].
  • Construction is easier with smaller panels, but bracing may be needed to prevent flexing on large, thin panels[4].

In summary, increased size benefits the bass extension, efficiency, directivity and soundstage of DML speakers. But there are practical limits for home use. A balanced approach is best.
