How do DML speakers compare to traditional speakers in terms of sound quality?

Here is a comparison of the sound quality between DML (Distributed Mode Loudspeaker) and traditional cone speakers:

Soundstage and Imaging
  • DML speakers create a very diffuse, spacious soundstage due to the large radiating surface. This can give a sense of immersion but lacks precision[1][2].
  • Traditional cone speakers have more precise imaging and ability to pinpoint sound sources in space, though soundstage depth may be limited[2].
Frequency Response
  • Well-designed DMLs can achieve quite smooth response across midrange and treble, but lack deep bass extension below ~100Hz[1][3].
  • Traditional speakers can extend deeper in the bass with proper enclosure design and have more adjustable frequency response[3].
  • Efficiency of DML panels is dependent on size, but even large panels are generally less efficient than cone drivers[2]. More amplifier power is required.
  • Properly designed cone speakers can be very efficient, especially considering smaller surface area[2].
  • DML panels have extremely wide, consistent dispersion nearing 180 degrees. Sound is evenly distributed[1][4].
  • Cone speakers have narrower dispersion that varies across frequency range. Can cause uneven coverage[4].
  • DML panels generally have lower distortion and are less likely to sound harsh when pushed to higher volumes[2][3].
  • Cone speakers can suffer from distortion modes like cone breakup in the upper registers when overdriven[2].

In summary, DML speakers provide an open, diffuse soundstage and smooth response over their operating range but lack deep bass and ultimate efficiency. Traditional cone speakers offer better imaging, extension, and efficiency but can distort more easily. There are merits to both technologies.
