How does an DML Speaker Sound?

  • Produce a diffuse, spacious sound due to the uniform vibration across the entire panel surface rather than from a single point source. This gives an open, enveloping soundstage[1].
  • Excellent dispersion characteristics, providing consistent coverage across a wide listening area. The sound is not as directional as traditional speakers[2][3].
  • Generally a smooth, balanced frequency response across the panel’s operating range. However, low frequency output is limited by the size of the panel[1].
  • Low distortion even at high volumes, allowing loud playback levels without harshness[2].
  • Despite the diffuse nature, stereo imaging is still perceptible. The open soundstage gives a sense of immersion[2].
  • The panel material impacts the sound. Rigid, well damped panels made of materials like aluminum or acrylic sound best[1][4].
  • Not capable of deep bass like subwoofers, so a sub is needed for full range reproduction. The panels handle mids and highs[1].
  • Overall, DML speakers provide a highly diffuse, spacious sound with wide, consistent dispersion. The openness and envelopment of the soundstage is a defining characteristic[2][3].
